Support team
There's a problem with braille education

99% Of The Visually Impaired Never Learned Braille

They cannot read it all, and as such, even the most simple sources of crucial information are invisible to them. Choosing a button to press in an elevator or discerning different drug boxes - when unable to read braille, these mundane tasks become sources of frustration and even danger.

Support team
First Things First

Focus on Education

Braille is the way for the visually impaired to quickly gather information in the physical world, yet the vast majority never received proper education that would allow them to learn and use it. There's an incredibly big untapped market for teaching braille. That's where we come in.

Support team
Stronger Together

Device for Education at Scale

We help special educators leverage their expertise by creating interactive learning experiences with apps than can be downloaded by anyone, anywhere. Abundance of quality teaching materials on one portable device. Long gone are the days of expensive braille books.

Support team
Braille for Everyone

Innovative Braille Display

Our innovative spinning disc braille cell design delivers currently unmatched price-to-quality ratio. Cutting down costs while delivering speed and a pleasant user experience.

© 2020 ThreeDots (Group 10)